

(click on each photo for a larger version)

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In her 'Dennis' envelope she provided six main photos for her obit, with several copies of some of them. This one is from 1993. The one we ended up using was the 1987 one where she was seated in front of her computer (see front page of this site)
Candidate obit photo apparently from 1991, dated on the backclick for larger image
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Another provided obit photo, taken in her office at the State Senate
A little blurry with reflection on the glasses but very cuteclick for larger image
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Last main obit photo she provided
She volunteered three times a week at Lincoln Library West Branch shelving books. When we called to notify them of her death they said they already knew and that they'd set up a little memorial for her on the desk there. We stopped by to see it and a young woman named Mandy was kind enough to agree to email us some pictures of it. She said she'd frequently talked books and other things with my mom, and was reading a book she'd for larger image
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A close up of the flowers for her at the library, a very artistic photo again by Mandy
The plaque on the front of the beloved library where she spent so much of her time and from where most of her books cameclick for larger image
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Jeanne Downing sent this excellent picture after learning of Carolyn's death. She was mom's roommate in Colorado, Springs when my mom was working at the paper. This is from a Christmas party they had in 1954. Carolyn is top row, 2nd from the left.
Also from Jeanne Downing, some snaps of Carolyn in their apartment, probably circa 1953-1955. Also see Jeanne's sympathy letter on the 'life' page for larger image
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Mom with grandma Ellen (sent to use by cousin Sarah)
A photo which cousin Mary provided, not sure exactly what vintage this would beclick for larger image
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Mom with grandma Ellen outside (also from the collection of cousin Sarah)
Cousin Sarah with Carolyn, Easter, April 16, 2006click for larger image
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Keith's favorite photo of mom and dad.
Mom with Keith, maybe in 1973 or thereaboutsclick for larger image
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Taken at mom's house on Aug 21st, 1994 which is Nellie's birthday. I think it's likely this would have been the first time that mom met Nellie.
From our June 2007 Illinois trip, mom on her back deck with Dannyclick for larger image
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Mom standing in the kitchen of her condo on June 20th, 2007
Hanging out in mom's sunroomclick for larger image
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Although she'd seemed to have quit traveling, at least via air, she made a run out to meet our new baby Daniel Cooper Cronin. Here she's seen feeding him a bottle on Mar 3rd, 2006.
We'd always get her puzzles for Christmas. Here she's doing one with granddaughter for larger image
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Christmas party in 2002 at Pete Dunne's, shown here with her friend Peg Ferry and with Joan Dunne and Jean Sherrick in the background.
Still Christmas 2002, she'd often take Nellie and me to Steak and Shake. Here her attire blends in for larger image
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She occasionally wrote a letter to the editor of the Journal-Register, never more than one a year because "I don't want them to think I'm just a cranky old lady." This one is about an advertising supplement that came with the paper. She was really proud they'd picked this up. She had written one a year before asking for a one month respite from stories about Paris Hilton, I haven't come across that clipping yet.
At Sarah's wedding, a last photo of brother Ron with Carolyn, Oct 21, 2007click for larger image
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Also at Sarah's wedding, Ron's wife Susan, Ron, and Carolyn
Mom with Nellie at Sarah's wedding. Lots of 'last picture together' action at that wedding, huh?click for larger image
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Just before her surgery mom made a special run over to Urbana to meet her new great grand daughter Rachel, born to step-grand daugher Jessica. Even after Dennis and Diane divorced, mom continued to treat Jessica like a regular grand daughter.
I gave mom's car from my half of the estate to my step-daughter Jessica. They'd been very close and I figured I'd rather have someone appreciate the personality of the car (named "Sunbeam") than to just sell it. This is Jess, Vince, and baby Rachel the evening they picked up the for larger image
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Toasting with her ice tea at Jess's wedding on June 18th, 2004

other photos

last photos of her condo
dan cronin's last photos
maintained by dennis cronin and keith cronin